R&K Consulting
"Realize Your Dream"
Work Permit withou LMIA
- Workers under International agreements
- Refugee claimants from non-designated countries and those under unenforceable removal order
- Applicants for permanent residence from within Canada
- Humanitarian reasons
Destitute Students
: LMIA exemption applies to foreign students who, due to circumstances beyond their control, may find themselves unable to meet the cost of their studies in Canada. Each case should be considered on its own merit. Some cases will be self-evident such as cases of war, upheaval in home country, collapse of the banking system, etc., while other will require future explanation by the applicant, usually at an interview with an immigration officer.
Temporary resident permit holders:
: LMIA exemption applies to persons who have been issued a temporary resident permit (TRP) to allow them to stay in Canada. If the TRP holder will be in Canada for a long period of time (six months or greater), and they have no other means of support (meaning no family support or other means of meeting their needs) they may be issued an open work permit coinciding with the validity period of the TRP.
- Certain workers authorized to enter Canada on a reciprocal basis
Canada Word Youth Program participants
International Experience Canada
Family members of foreign representatives and of military personnel who are LMIA-exempt
Professional athletes who are authorized to enter Canada to participate in sports activities or events either as an individual participant or as members of a foreign-based team or a Canadian amateur team. It also allows foreign coaches and trainers of foreign amateur or professional athletes, and other essential members of the team, to participate at sports activities or events held in Canada.
- Spouse or common-law partner of foreign workers who are working at NOC O,A, B occupations with work permit of more than 6 months.
- Spouse or common-law partner of full-time foreign students (non ESL/FSL/General courses)
- Bridging open work permit
: Qualifying foreign nationals currently in Canada who meet program eligibility requirements may be considered for a work permit to bridge the gap between the expiry of their current work permit and the final decision on their application for permanent residence (APR). They must have submitted an application for permanent residence under one of the following classes:
the federal skilled worker class (FSWC);
the Canadian experience class (CEC);
the federal skilled trades class (FSTC);
the caring for children class or the caring for people with high medical needs class; or
the provincial nominee class (PNC), for applicants for whom there are no employer restrictions on nominations.
- Open work permit pilot program for permanent residence applicants in the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class
- Post graduate work permit
- Post-secondary co-op and secondary co-op
- Certain CSQ holders who are currently in Quebec
✓ The applicant must currently be a resident of Quebec.
✓ The work permit is valid for the duration of the job offer and cannot exceed two years.
✓ This time limit should allow the applicant sufficient time to submit an application for permanent residence before the work permit expires.
✓ Work permits are issued by the authority of paragraph R205(a) (LMIA exemption code A75).
✓ The application must include copies of the valid CSQ and the job offer to work in Quebec.
✓ The CSQ must indicate one of the following codes in section 9, Catégorie: “IQ – Travailleurs qualifiés”, “IP – Travailleurs”, “IT – Travailleurs qualifiés”, “IZ – PEQ Travailleurs”, “IY – PEQ Étudiants”, or “I6 Travailleurs Art.40” .